18th International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP)
The TAP conference promotes research in verification and formal methods that targets the interplay of proofs and testing: the advancement of techniques of each kind and their combination, with the ultimate goal of improving software and system dependability.
TAP 2024 will be held in conjunction with FM 2024, from September 9th to September 10th, 2024
29th International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS)
FMICS is the ERCIM Working Group conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems and is the key conference in the intersection of industrial applications and Formal Methods.
The aim of the FMICS conference series is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners who are interested in the development and application of formal methods in the industry.
FMICS 2024 will be held in conjunction with FM 2024, from September 9th to September 11th, 2024.

34th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR)
25th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP)
The aim of the LOPSTR series is to stimulate and promote international research and collaboration on logic-based program development. LOPSTR is open to contributions in logic-based program development in any language paradigm.
PPDP aims to provide a forum that brings together researchers from the declarative programming communities, including those working in the logic, constraint and functional programming paradigms, but also embracing a variety of other paradigms such as visual programming, executable specification languages, database languages, AI languages and knowledge representation languages used, for example, in the semantic web.
LOPSTR and PPDP will be held in conjunction with FM 2024 from September 9 to September 11, 2024.
20th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS)
The Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS) conference series targets research in formal approaches for distributed components and services. The conferences cover topics including models, languages, analysis, and verification techniques for component-based systems such as service-oriented architecture, cloud and edge computing, safety-critical, hybrid, and cyber-physical systems, etc.
The 20th edition of FACS will be co-located with FM 2024. It will take place from September 9 to September 10, 2024.